eBook: Communication Between Cultures 12Months

Communication Between Cultures, Cengage eBook, 12 Months Digital Access

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Communication Between Cultures, Cengage eBook, 12 Months Digital Access

This is a Digital Product – Please take note of the access platform and access period.ISBN: 9788000008684Carolyn Sexton Roy, Edwin R. McDaniel, Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. PorterEdition: 9Copyright Year: 2017Access Platform: Cengage eBookAccess Period: 12 Months


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Packed with current research and examples, bestselling COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CULTURES, 9E equips students with a deep understanding and appreciation of different cultures while helping them develop practical communication skills. Part I introduces the study of communication and culture; Part II focuses on the ability of culture to shape and modify our view of reality; Part III puts the theory of intercultural communication into practice; and Part IV converts knowledge into action. This is the only text to consistently emphasize religion and history as key variables in intercultural communication. Compelling examples force students to examine their own assumptions, perceptions, and cultural biases--enabling them to understand the subtle and profound ways culture affects communication. The ninth edition offers expanded discussions of the impact of globalization, a new chapter on intercultural communication competence, and more coverage of new technology.